Monday, April 24, 2006

The news can't always be good.

I submitted a werewolf series proposal to Silhouette's new Nocturne line. The package came back today with a 'not right for us'. Which, werewolves are so common that it only sort of stings. I like my weres, I really do, and perhaps I'll take them elsewhere.

I have another idea I can try at Nocturne. I will pick myself up, dust myself and move on. But it is still disappointing, no lies about that.

In other news, there's a lot going on. We're ramping up toward opening day, over at Cobblestone Press. There will be chats and interviews and spotlights. I intend to run a contest, my first, from May 2nd to June 2nd. Stick around and see what I've got to give away!


Lia said...

I'm sorry, Sara. I hope the next one works out for you.

Shelli Stevens said...

Sucky, Sara. But someone will want it! You know it, baby! Cause you're one talented chikadee!

Loribelle Hunt said...

{{{hugs}}} Sara. I know it sucks, but I think you'll sell those wolves somewhere and maybe Nocturn will like your other idea. ;)