Sunday, August 06, 2006

Eye of the Beholder gets a five.

Eye of the Beholder is my short (very short!) book with Freya's Bower. I was googling myself, without going blind thank you, and stumbled over this review last night.

Imagine my surprise to see that Annie over at Euro-Reviews said: "These two stories, based on a similar theme, are most thought-provoking and disturbing. I’d like to see more from this author. I think these stories will remain with me for quite a while. They are erotic but not graphic, and examine some serious issues. I recommend them."

Fair warning, the rest of the review is extremely spoilerific. It's basically a summary of the stories in the book, which, if you want to read them and haven't yet, you probably don't want to read. That said, the rest of the review is here.

In other news, I got the contract for that book that was giving me grief, so phew, I can breathe again. It's titled Stacking the Deck and it will be out in October as part of the Vegas Magic series with my fellow Musketeers.

Annnnd, as we suspected we might, we're in the process of doing another series, this time with our new d'Artagnan, Crystal. It's going to be cooool. Keep your eyes peeled for more news.


Jennifer McKenzie said...

Oh that's awesome! A book with ALL my favorite Cobblestone authors! Great job.
Congrats on the review.

Nonny Blackthorne said...

Congrats!! :D

Emmy Ellis said...

I was googling myself, without going blind thank you,


Funny gal.
